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You're viewing POD Cheat Codes

Game Name : POD
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-09 22:02:47
Views : 23477

Cheat :
Type scrshots to enable the screenshot feature. Press [Alt] + [F12] to save a raw format picture file in the game directory. The raw files may be imported into a graphics program such as Adobe Photoshop using settings of 640x480, 4 channels, interlaced, 8 bits, and a 0 byte header.

Reversed tracks:
Type mirror, then reload the game. The red "Reverse" button on the track selection screen will allow tracks for all three modes to be reversed.

Extra attribute points:
Type rocket at the settings options screen in single player or hotseat mode. Leave the screen and re-enter to have 400 instead of 300 attribute points.

Super car:
Type dural at the settings options screen in single player mode.

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Screen Code
Damages car Game play holigan
Adjust difficult and damage level Option menu valay
No collisions Game play crash
Display map Game play map
View other car names Game play label
Rear view mirror Game play retro
Extra tracks Track selection speedster
Small cars, large wheels After opening intro metro
Enhanced map Game play [F9] + map
Alternate view Game play e
Repair damage Game play garage

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